
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2020


What is Hitmex? HITMEX is a world-class blockchain asset exchange with a very high performing order matching engine. This is a next generation crypto asset trading platform that aims to support high leverage and support asset exchanges of up to $ 1,000,000 USD per transaction. The Hitmex Exchange target conquered all imperfections in the unified and decentralized crypto exchange. We have understood the underlying problem and the target understands the rest later. This is a very good opportunity, if you are a trader. After you want to make a large number of transactions, you can use this exchange because it is not slow and can reduce time expenditure for this situation. Hitmex Exchange aims to overcome all the weaknesses in the centralized and decentralized crypto exchange. We have solved the main problem and aim to resolve the rest in the future. Hitmex Exchange will introduce our own token on Hitmex Exchange under the name BMEX. We will do an IEO (initial exchange of


IOOX Tentang kami Sebuah tim muda dengan visi yang jelas, manfaatkan Teknologi Blockchain untuk menggunakan ioox Coin dan cryptocurrency lainnya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Setiap hari. Kami tidak percaya pada kerahasiaan transaksi, mereka menciptakan ketidakjelasan dan kurangnya kontrol. Kami percaya pada transparansi, lebih aman dan dapat diverifikasi. koin ioox adalah untuk setiap hari, untuk membayar kopi, minuman. koin ioox adalah untuk orang biasa, yang bekerja, belajar atau menikmati masa pensiun mereka yang memang layak. koin ioox akan menggantikan transaksi mikro dengan uang tunai atau kartu kredit, itu untuk setiap hari. Orang sehari-hari sebenarnya melakukan transaksi kurang dari 10 dolar sehari, koin ioox akan membuat pelanggaran di hati orang-orang ini. Ini ditakdirkan untuk adopsi massa nyata dan ioox Ring juga bukan mesin. Visi Kami Kami telah membayangkan masa depan. Masa depan yang paling dekat dengan kami untuk sistem pembayaran. Untuk melakukan ini kita harus melupa


INTRODUCING Forex trading is one a huge market that has been transformed by the internet over the past three decades. Centralized exchanges have a number of flaws. Over $1 billion worth of crypto assets have been hacked & stolen from centralized exchanges in 2018 alone. Some of the notable benefits include: affiliate program, anonymity of transfers, operation in 24/7 system, investments in digital currencies, irreversibility of the transactions, the deflationary nature of the digital currency, and decentralization & the speed of currency transfers. Hitmex Exchange is going to introduce our own token on Hitmex Exchange with the name BMEX. We are going to do IEO (initial exchange offering) for BMEX on our exchange too. This is not just another cryptocurrency exchange because we have got a unique business model. HITMEX is the world class blockchain asset exchange with super high performance order matching engine. It is a next generation crypto asset trading platform which a

GLBrain- Revolutionizing Online Community Management

Initially, when social networks were born in the world and began to develop EN masse, people were particularly enthusiastic about this new product. Because with it, people have found a powerful and interesting tool for communicating with each other. Problems Now, when the largest and most popular social networks have years of fruitful work behind them, it is difficult to say that their current position is still based on the exclusive communication of users with each other. After all, you probably have already heard this kind of information about how our favorite social networks collect and send our personal data to different advertising companies. Which, in turn, on the basis of the received data, transform their marketing and advertising company. At the same time, this situation once again proves to us that all our user data is vulnerable and not confidential. Moreover, using them without our consent leads to violation of consumer rights. Turning their attenti